Products & Prices for your recruiting success
Job Ads
Choose the job ad, which optimally suits your needs. Ask us about other offers and employer branding products!
Annual Premium Ad
Reach potential applicants all year round
- 12 months runtime
- Post job ads up to 3 months after contract start
- Applications via email, truffls dashboard or ATS
- Integration of social media channels
- Integration of career website
- 7-day refresh during the term
- Standard company profile included
⭐️ Bestseller
Premium Ad
Top applicants for you without effort
- 60 days runtime
- Post job ads up to 3 months after contract start
- Applications via email, truffls dashboard or ATS
- Integration of social media channels
- Integration of career website
- 7-day refresh during the term
- Standard company profile included
Individual offer
Your customized recruiting solution
More runtimes and packages
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Personal support and advice
→ Our team is on hand to understand your needs -
Quick and non-binding
→ Book an appointment directly for a non-binding consultation
Multiple locations or nationwide placement? Contact us!
Take your overall appearance in the truffls app to the next level and convince applicants with your comprehensive and individually designed company profile. Stand out from the crowd by being listed as a top employer. In this way, you will reach significantly more relevant, interested applicants. Contact us for an individual consultation.